ABOUT US To face the special and continuously evolving needs and requirements of our customers and of this world, we regularly design and launch new fan-, ventilation- and cooling- products and processes. We do this while taking into account, setting up and using production- lines and methods, which consider the most modern, up to date & state of the art technologies. We run, develop and expand 2 main fan ranges: OUR HEAVY DUTY FAN RANGE  For heavy industrial processes
Check HD technical scope & special HD-fan lines (continuously evolving) OUR HVLS-FAN RANGE  For efficient large building ventilation
Check HVLS technical scope & special HVLS-fan lines (continuously evolving) Our latest development is the HVLS-fan, which is a very large, slow-spinning axial ceiling-fan with a proven, very beneficial effect on comfort, energy-consumption and hygiene, especially in very large, high ceiling buildings. One of our core-activities remains retro-engineering and re-vamping of old fan systems during which we ensure existing internals (rotating parts) to be replaced by new ones with an equal or (frequently) exceeding performance. Our company possesses a longstanding experience and an advanced technology. We continuously invest in research of better fan-products, fan-materials & special alloys, in still more advanced production techniques. Our company is ambitious. We have the intention to become one of the most renowned fan-manufacturers in the world. We have all it takes to get there and we are willing to work very hard to reach it. The world is our playground. We have references in Europe, U.S.A., Australia, New-Zeeland, Russia, Africa, Middle East and Asia. Our equipment and know-how is used at the core of important processes in glass industry, cement industry, metallurgical and steel industry, sugar plants, power stations, (petro-) chemical complexes. Our headquarters are strategically placed in Belgium, close to Brussels, in close proximity of international seaports (Antwerp, Zee-Bruges, Rotterdam).


T. +32 2 567 09 41 | F. +32 2 706 56 21 | info@wmc-fans.com